Gastric Sleeve Surgery
Gastric sleeve surgery is specifically designed to help those with severe obesity. Through a keyhole procedure the stomach is reduced by approximately 70 percent allowing only small portions of food to be eaten.

Gastric Sleeve is one of the most effective surgical means by which to improve your health and transform your way of life.
Why gastric sleeve?
Effective weight loss.
Typically results in between 60 to 70% weight loss within the first 6-9 months.
Less vitamin and micro-nutrient deficiencies than Gastric Bypass.
Less impact on life.
Food and stomach secretions travel through the gastrointestinal tract as normal.
How does it work?
Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG) is the most common bariatric operation currently performed worldwide, including in Australia.
Sleeve Gastrectomy removes approximately 75-80% of the stomach to leave a long narrow gastric tube which restricts food intake. Typically, the volume of stomach is reduced from approx. 1500ml to 200ml. Sleeve Gastrectomy does NOT alter how the food and stomach secretions travel through the gastrointestinal tract. Both gastric emptying and intestinal transit time are markedly increased with a Gastric Sleeve because the intra-gastric pressure increases upon ingestion of foods, which in turn increases the tension of the gastric wall.
The greater impact, however, seems to be the effect the surgery has on gut hormones that impact a number of factors including hunger, satiety, and blood sugar control.
The SG typically results in 60 to 70% excess body weight loss and most of the weight loss occurs in the first 6-9 months.
The substantial weight loss may lead to dramatic improvement, and even complete remission of many of the obesity-related co-morbidities, including type 2 diabetes. It is a safe operation with very low rate of complications. There are many advantages of the Sleeve Gastrectomy over the Gastric Bypass. A Sleeve is simpler and safer. It results in less vitamin and micro-nutrient deficiencies than the gastric bypass procedure.
Other important advantages of the Sleeve Gastrectomy compared to the gastric bypass are the lack of dumping syndrome and the avoidance of the risk of gastric cancer that arises from the excluded remnant stomach. The main disadvantage of Sleeve Gastrectomy is that it carries a 1-2% risk of leakage due to the long staple line of the gastric tube. Compared to a Gastric Bypass leak, Sleeve leaks are more difficult to manage because of the pressure build up in the stomach.
Like all surgical procedures, Sleeve Gastrectomy is not without its drawbacks, one being the development of acid reflux symptoms. The incidence of reflux varies from 10% to 20% of patients, for this reason it’s not recommended for people with significant pre-existing reflux. Symptoms are controlled with medication and on rare occasion revision surgery may be necessary.
At your first consultation, Dr Won will step you through everything involved.

What’s involved
1. Consultation
Firstly you will have a consult with Dr Won. Here we will discuss a range of options, deliver the best solution and devise a plan for the future with steps to work towards your goals. At this state we will determine which surgery is best suited to you and your path to recovery.
2. Preparation
Once you and Dr Won decide on a treatment that works best for you, we will work together so that you learn what is expected from the surgery and build a plan to achieve the best results.
It is important to understand the process of pre and post operative care so that you can recover quickly and without complications. If you have any questions about this process don’t refrain from reaching out to Dr Won.
3. Surgery
Follow your pre op advice that has been detailed by Dr Won. On the day of the surgery make sure you have a loved one available to take you to and from your appointment. Check in at the front desk and wait for your appointment.
4. Recovery
During the recovery stages it is important that you follow the instructions Dr Won advises. A simple fluid diet will be introduced for the first two weeks after surgery, and from there the slow introduction into solid foods. Wound and pain care is also important during this time and a treatment plan will be managed with Dr Won.
5. Management
You will have post operative appointments with Dr Won two to three weeks post surgery. Check ups with your local GP are necessary for the first six months to a year in order to make sure everything is working correctly. However, you are now well on the journey of becoming a healthier version of yourself.