One of the most commonly performed operations by general surgeons. A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an organ or tissue through a defect in its surrounding walls. Most often, there will be a lump that you may have noticed especially when coughing, straining or standing that goes down in size when lying down or by pushing on it.
Unfortunately, once the hernia occurs, the body cannot heal the defect and thus the only way of fixing it, is with an operation. If left alone, a hernia will increase in size, usually slowly over time and therefore it is best to have it surgically repaired electively.
A hernia will most commonly involve the abdominal wall. Other common sites include the inguinal, femoral, and umbilical areas as well as sites of previous incisions from past surgery.
Umbilical Hernia
Inguinal Hernia
Femoral Hernia
Every body is different, and Dr Won is highly experienced at providing effective treatment for the different needs of his many patients. The surgery can be done laparoscopically (via keyhole) or open techniques depending on your individual factors. In most cases, a mesh is implanted to minimise the recurrence risk. Dr Won will be able to advise you which technique would be most suited through the course of your consultations together.
For the vast majority of patients, the surgery is extremely safe with only a short hospital stay to be expected.