General Surgery
Gall Bladder Surgery
The gall bladder stores a liquid called bile that helps your body break down food. Small, hardened deposits called gallstones can form over time, and these may cause pain and infection. Fortunately, it is a safe and simple procedure.
Why gall bladder surgery?
To relieve pain
Stop recurring infection
Reflux Surgery
Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) is a common condition that affects roughly a quarter of the population. Surgery for Reflux and ‘Hiatus Hernia’ is not only safe but is highly effective. Surgery can be a safe and appropriate option for many.
Why reflux surgery?
If medication is no longer working
You want to stop relying on medication
Hernia Surgery
A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an organ or tissue through a defect in its surrounding walls. It’s one of the most common conditions that general surgeons will rectify, and best caught early.
Why surgery for hernia?
To relieve discomfort and pain
If you want to remove an unsightly lump
Hernias usually continue to increase in size over time and early intervention is best

1. Consultation
Firstly you will have a consult with Dr Won. Here we will discuss a range of options, deliver the best solution and devise a plan for the future with steps to work towards your goals. At this state we will determine which surgery is best suited to you and your path to recovery.
2. Preparation
Once you and Dr Won decide on a treatment that works best for you, We will work together so that you learn what is expected from the surgery and build a plan to achieve the best results. It is important to understand the process of pre and post operative care so that you can recover quickly and without complications. If you have any questions about this process don’t refrain from reaching out to Dr Won.
3. Surgery
Follow your pre op advice that has been detailed by Dr Won. On the day of the surgery make sure you have a loved one available to take you to and from your appointment. Check in at the front desk and wait for your appointment.
4. Recovery
During the recovery stages it is important that you follow the instructions Dr Won advises. A simple fluid diet will be introduced for the first two weeks after surgery, and from there the slow introduction into solid foods. Wound and pain care is also important during this time and a treatment plan will be managed with Dr Won.
5. Management
You will have post operative appointments with Dr Won two to three weeks post surgery. Depending on your procedure, check ups with your referring GP may be necessary to ensure everything is working as expected.